TLRY has Paid BashersYou can research both topics
Are people paid to promote stocks on forums as well as are people paid to bash stocks on forums
It is actually illegal to do either however hedge funds do it independently of the company itself.
Tilray Brands is publiclly traded on the NasDaq and TSX and being highly tied to Cannabis the company would be highly monitored by regulators to ensure it is playing by the rules.
Long time readers of this forum fully know which users are here 24x7x365 to bash, hate, and spin up every negative they can come up with to deter new investors from coming in and to convince current shareholders to sell.
Why? This occurs when certain traders are holding very large short positions which requires them to buy shares themselves in order to profit. The cheaper they can do this the more money they make. The losses suffered by others are just an amusement to these traders as they deem it necessary for others to lose in order for them to win
It's an old game, it's been played for as long as there has been a stockmarket.
Best defense is to do your own research and use averaging strategies over extended timelines.
Once these underhanded traders start buying back we will see a short squeeze or a gamma squeeze on the shareprice (research these terms). Timing is unknown but highly likely considering the share count within short positions
- long on TLRY