You can buy a Delta 9 low dose THC beverage in a pub or restaurant in Texas.
The catogory is exploding!
Talk of a Three-Tiered System Approach to THC-Infused Beverages
Senators, the TABC representative, and hemp industry representatives spoke of moving the regulation of THC-infused beverages within the three-tiered distribution system that currently governs the alcohol industry. As that system, which requires a three-tiered hierarchy of manufacturers, distributors/wholesales, and retailers who operate independently of one another, has existed and operated for decades in Texas, moving THC-infused beverages underneath that system appeared to make perfect sense to the hearing participants. There is no doubt that THC-infused beverages have taken the cannabis industry by storm, with a reported U.S. market size of $2.04 billion in 2023. In Texas, these beverages can currently be purchased from retail giants Total Wine & More and Spec’s, among many other retail locations. These realities haven’t gone unnoticed by the Texas Legislature, and (sans Sen. Perry) there does not appear to be much of a thirst to eliminate them all together. As they say, that genie is out of the bottle. However, those that follow this industry and this blog know that words used in legislation and regulations can carry significant weight, even when the consequences may be unintended. As everything is bigger in Texas, the ultimate path chosen by the Texas Legislature can’t be understated. Fasten those belt buckles and hang on.