I am certain YFI is not freaking out over half a pennyAnd why the fixation over the share price when it is so thinly traded without the release of recent news or updates TDMAN29?
Have you seen evidence that YFI is no longer working on developments towards achieving their objectives. Would you expect to see workings towards additional patents? Has YFI they pulled out of CMC, or C2MI? What about the status of Gov`t funding? Working groups? POCs', pilots' etc; etc.
Tell me this forum little fella how much emphasis is put on the existing share price of this particular type of co. in terms of another such co. offering to acquire it, or if in the future YFI decided to take on an equity partner?
Don`t bother aswering this question TDMAN29 because I am only asking you this as a favor to those who read your posts. In fact, I can state without hesitation that I could ask you 100s of pertinent questions and I am quite certain that it would take you a minmum of a week of research for you to understand and reply satisfactorily to each one.
The fact that you did not answer my questions as to what most of the Tier1s are looking for from a Wi-Fi chip for 2025 and beyond, for their networks and end user customer in just the residential sector, tells this forum exactly what type of contributions to expect from you. Just asking that question should have been interpreted as a gift by you.
This is something that I can guarantee and it should not be construed as a statement of what I predict about YFI. If YFI was to reach its objectives of having a scaled chip for licensing; and should the maket respond favorably, then I guarantee that you have no idea as to how you will respond to the market. This is because it is obvious that since your participation in YFIs PP years ago you have learned absolutely zero of what was available and pertinent. In fact, you could be whipsawed out of your position so fast you wouldn`t have time to blink. And the the whining would begin again.
PS. I may still drop in briefly the odd time TDMAN29, so be sure at all times to be on top of your game.