Quick pointSuch a thinly traded stock can also act inversely and rise with little or no news. Maybe when one of the thousands of people that as claim have seen the company and want to purchase shares. Supply and demand dictate price. To say Andrew is t concerned with share price at current level would be false. Its sitting at an all time low with a poc in the works and possible government funding coming. Its logical that someone would (even the ceo)capitalize and buy shares at this single digits. The optics of 52 week Lows are also terrible for raising capital as it's so close to nothing it lends little option but massive dilution or share consolidation to raise share price to raise capital. People still equate worth with price. So recap, global leader with global headquarter operating out of a rented room in a business park. Less than $15k in the bank and $2M in liabilities with a share price of $.03 with a float of almost 200M share and growing? You don't need to understand business to realize something isn't quite right with this situation. Smart industry with a lot of intelligent people and nobody has bought them or the tech? Guys like Ramjam and Samjam are the smart money now lol? Don't think so.