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Ztest Electronics Inc C.ZTE

Alternate Symbol(s):  ZTSTF

ZTEST Electronics Inc. is a Canada-based technology company. The Company, through its wholly owned subsidiary, Permatech Electronics Corp. (Permatech), offers electronic manufacturing services (EMS) to a range of customers. Permatech’s offering includes printed circuit board (PCB) assembly, materials management and testing services. Permatech is a contract manufacturer of complex circuit boards, serving customers in the medical, power, computer, telecommunications, wireless, industrial, trucking, wearables and consumer electronics markets. It specializes in servicing customers who are looking for high yield and require quality and rapid-turnaround on low and mid-volume production of high complexity products. Permatech operates from a 21,000-square-foot facility in North York, Ontario, Canada.

CSE:ZTE - Post by User

Comment by JSparkon Nov 16, 2024 1:44pm
Post# 36316567

RE:Pump and Dump stock.

RE:Pump and Dump stock.

Calling ZTest a pump and dump is Nuts.

There's potentially several months of downward pressure from a Major Shareholder (Joseph Chen) exit due to ZTest pivot from Conversance to Permatech. He's already sold all of his ZTE.C  holdings held by Conversance, he may or may not be selling his direct holdings. 

We'll probably know in a month if that's the case as he usually reports late.


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