GRAHAM BThis is a short reply to his four recent posts.
There's nothing new here. A fair bit of cut and paste. You restate previous comments. No need to. I get it. I've explained it.
You don't seem capable of saying much more than you already have. I guess you think that's enough. I don't think it is.
I get the impression you are still annoyed at my questioning your opinions. You call me Melinda again. What's that all about? Comes across as immature.
You also feel the need to mention that you are traveling for fun and will check in from time to time. How is that relevant? It seems you want to give the impression of being a bigshot. This is not an attack, but a rational commentary.
I provided a reasoned and rational commentary on Pyro. There was no attack. I didn't even mention you. I'm actually disappointed with your responses. They fail to address what I think are important considerations regarding financials as well as providing context and what can often happen with companies such as Pyro. Capital intensive, building infrastructure, revenues typically lagging expenses in such cases. All this stuff is relevant
Credibilty is so important. It takes time to earn it. It can disappear so quickly. BTW, still waiting for your comments on having supported the guy with multiple identities. He got the boot for creating multiple identities. My big toe is quite sore.
I'm long and strong