Example of again weirdness around the openthis is an example of the weirdness when new york and london lose control gold and silver.
This morning as usual they tried to whack down silver and gold at the usual times - 800 am to 9 am. But hey it went down but still remained positive after the wacking.holy S... they must say.
The dollar was also up over 65 cents and the precious metals started to go up again over $20 , omg what is happening they must say ? Its supposed to fall with the strong dollar
Ok they say lets try to limit the damage on the producers, so their shorting is working with SVM hardly up and the other ones too, whew they say now we have control a bit again.
But too late this is the now gang trading and the rules and patterns have changed , remember that !!
They are patient giving time to the asian residents to buy the gold staocks then it will burst higher.