RE:RE:RE:Raised Price I think it's time that I scale things back.
My only rebuttal to your post is as follows:
"IMHO gold standard will prevail even if US is successful
in creating government controlled crypto currency"
We agree that a gold standard will continue.
However, if you google search cryptocurrency, you will discover
that there are in excess of 9000 cryptos.
1.) Of the 9000+, only one is approved by the SEC to be a commodity
... that is Bitcoin. Gold is also designated a commodity.
2.) One primary benefit of Bitcoin is that no government can control it.
I think you know this but when I make a ledger transaction,
that transaction only goes through after ledger approval thru thousands
of identical ledgers of Bitcoin owners. I just made a transaction last
week to my credit union that transacted in under 5 minutes. It did take
until the next day to post but I feel that delay from the credit union.
3.) There will never be more than 21 million Bitcoin by design.
4.) Canada was ahead of the US in establishing a Bitcoin etf.
In the US, you have to declare anything in excess of $10k when
leaving the country. With Bitcoin, I can literally exit w $20k,
$100k, $1 million and no one is going to check my phone... and they
certainly cannot access my app.
5.) It is outside of government or bank control as you state. Would
you want it any other way?
Listen, enough talk about Bitcoin. This is the K92 board. I only
entered the Bitcoin conversation because it was unfairly criticized
on this board... let's agree to disagree.
I agree to not broach the Bitcoin subject again on this board!