RE:Gravy QuoteYou do have a very serious reading comprehension problem.
The nonsense you blurt out shows your lack of understanding of porphyry deposits.
Never once did i say they weren't there or not emplaced throughout the golden triangle.
Wherever they are emplaced, any near surface mineralization deemed within the vicinity above a prophyry does not directly associate with any near surface epithermal structure ... as the entirely transposed geothermal chemistry interacts with near surface groundwater that defines a non porphyry occurence.
Those are formed deeper wherever they lay due to a chemical compound structuring not present near surface.
I am done with you. You seem bent on stirring up a backlash to perhaps use to complain to Stockhouse.
I refuse to engage in verbal abuse and lower myself to that level.
No need. I am fully confident in the correctness about what i say and have said. My back is not against the wall where childish responses the likes i continue to recieve have become a last resort from those who lack the applicable knowledge to civily counteract with.
On that note no amount of civil counteraction could ever change known geo scientific structure to better suit those who have no understanding of it or how its used and referenced by qualified geo's to begin with..