Weekend update , hello all I know there is a core group of visitors to this site. Many resd, few post.
FYI, Mr. Buck. My posts get on average 5x to 10x if not more, than your reads.
why woukd that be? Talking about telling data?
Quite frankly, a quick search, you have posted consistently nothing but grade school , washroom wall none sense.
Essentially you prove over & over your lack of understanding, care or concern for onc as a company.
More importantly your ad hominem attacks on others. Proving again, sadly you are not only lacking in intelligence, but also empathy.
Moving onward again to qualify my reasons for posting & likewise owning Onc shares.
Every single relative from my grandparents, to present day cousins, my mother & 3 of her sisters have died of cancer.
While I am very sick & somewhat physically disabled. Add- on the recent loss of our son, My time & patience has become very limited.
I'm not asking for sympathy, as we all have things going on. I greatly appreciate that.
Just setting the backdrop of my seriousness of what I say on here.
What I don't have is cancer.
I got involved, resurching cancer related therapies. My mom had already died. She was only 54. My cousin diagnosed, died at his age of 64.
So, anything to do with cancer treatment, diagnosis, progressions, causes...etc etc. I have spent many hours resurching.
Coming across oncolytics biotech interested me for a number of reasons.
1. Pelareorep ONLY replicates in tumour cells. Eliminating the serious side effects many experience during existing chemo & radiation treatments.
2. Pelareorep, is administered via I.V. Dosing. Not inter tumour. Meaning the drug will find both known & unknown cancers.
Those two undesputed facts are what drove my interest, early on. and the various 3rd party trials.
In fairness, it took a long time to discover Pela is best suited as a co- therapy.
One could easily blame mangement for those lost years.
Yet one needs to look deeper. Only about 10% of all new compounds, drugs etc, ever get to market.
That being well published data. Could turn that upside down . Aka 90% of all new drugs fail.
Using the " bad mangement blame"...does that mean 90% of all pharma companies have bad mangement or bad trial designs?
Of course not!
Onc, Pfizer, Bayer, Roche , and hundreds of others have had trials fail.
Years ago, I learnt an important message. Even a failed trial produces a learning outcome.
Regarding Onc & Pelareorep, some of the important outcomes were not discovered until long after some early trials ended.
Moving to modern cancer therapy times. Last 5-7 years.
Many of the genetic sequencing & equipment to analyze tissues, simple did not exist when Onc started.
The micro- cell level analysys,( equipment & technology ) being used resultant from the Aware-1 trial, creating the biomarker data, after only 2-3 weeks, Did not exist when Onc started way back in 1999.
Genome sequencing was mostly a resurch tool, however became introduced into the clinical setting 2014.
Looking at the last 2 slides of the investor presentation, we are shown evidence of T- cell & PD-L1 expression, as early as 3 days after treatment with Pelareorep.
Translated to " so what".
Anyone who has gone through, or part of chemo treatments, knows the historical process.
Like this: recieve the standard of care , chemo.
Wait 6 + weeks & return for testing to see if anything has improved?
Sometimes yes, sometimes not.
if not, another in- place approved drug would be tried.
Side effects included. Those 6-8 weeks ++, are very stressful.
With Pela, injected IV. A simple blood test within 2 weeks, can determine if the patient can be helped with Pela or not.
Moving along to RiGHT NOW, which is what matters.
onc has been studied along many types & sub types if cancers.
Most recent & most successful being the Gobblet studies alongside Roch, co- therapy with their lead cancer product,.
The phase 2 trial showed more than doubling resukts, compared to existing standard of care. For pancreatic cancer.
Leading to FDA fast track designation & collaboration with CGAR , allowing a modified trial. That being able to use existing placebo results to count as part of trial going forward.
Next week or so, we will hear about yet another trial. In cotherapy with Incyte. Being the hard to treat -3 breast cancer.
The first 2 items I identified have not changed. Many layers of trial results have been added to those basic foundations .
Is Onc going to be one of the 10% that sucseed? Or the 90% that fail?
Time , has hurt the shareprice. As of late it is reported a higher & increasing of shorting.
Also in parallel m Onc has for the first time in their history given sales projections of Pela for MBc.
The S.P. Regardless of what it is does not change , help or hinder the clinical exiting results or future FDA approval.
Yes they need a partner or buyout.everyone knows that.
Also reported, they have extremely limited ATM use.
I person feel we will have oncolytics Pelareorep as part of cancer treatments.
ALL of the recent , past 12 months reported results point to that.
Saying, they have not yet been bought, therfore won't be, is none- sense on many levels.
im guessing more than 99% of companies " taken over" went through decades of not being bought out.
and then they were.
Why so long for onc? Mangement sees a huge potential. Outside pharmas need proof.
without the proof, the price is much less.
More positive proof has been revealed in the past 6 months, than the previous many years combined.
So we wait.
great weekend all. Stay safe & healthy.