It doesn't take a genius...
It doesn't take a genius... to assess/verify the impressive growth trend of this company.
The growth and the trend is undeniable.
If one believes (as I do) that the company is well managed, and that additional restaurants will lead to higher revenues, and with time - - higher profits - - (including critically, profits related franchsise royalty fees) ... then the business model and the investment thesis is pretty simple. It doesn't take a genius.
There can be legitimate debate, and valid points, from both sides (longs and shorts) about whether the current share price is fairly valued, undervalued, or overvalued.
But for now, the current trend in growth and expansion is clear.
During the last month (November) the company released 10 News/Press Releases. Nine of the ten, highlighted either the signing of new franchisees, secured real estate, restaurant openings, or new restaurants acquired through acquistion. One News Release was highlighting Qtrly Results.
My point is that the evidence is there - - Just look at the News Releases.
On Sept. 3rd, on this board - - in post number 36205835 I wrote:
>> This steady and irrefutable progress (new restaurant openings ...) must be a bit nerve racking to anybody who is shorting this stock - - or hoping that the price comes down significantly - - in order to purchase shares.
Imagine a slow drip of water droplets collecting beyond a dam. At some point the reservoir fills up, and the dam bursts. I'd hate to be short when that happens.
The text between the lines above is the gist of the post ... it's a longer post, you can find it if you're interested. The subject line of the post is "Drip, drip, drip, the inevitability of a dam bursting." The share price at the time of that post was in US $0.36. The share price as I write this post now is US $0.66.
From my perspective, what has transpired (new restaurants, growth, expansion in the three months since I wrote that post) is further confirmation that this/HBFG is a good investment for longs.
Do your own due dilligence .... it doesn't take a genius!