Great Pump videoGood morning Lotten.
The marvel of your optimism exceeds my wildest imagination. I wish you well.
But in all fairest to those readers here could be please share your reality view of “what if they do not produced that which they have shared as their production to profit scenario”....which i may remain you...has never been fulfilled in any one imagination, in my opinion. Fernand could best fill in the blanks there...decades of
Wait till next year and.....please share the truth.
In closing, today, You have the President of the USA clamouring 100 % tariffs, crypto currencies, the list continues daily. Canada...well there is no leadership and we all know...who controls them.
Wars and more complexities to existing wars...
And you actually think ..... a junior with 100s and 100s and 100s..... of millions of shares and warrants at 5,6 7 cdn pennies without real production this morning is going to a double..OK ..I will stay my view until something changes. Cash, bullion, and food storage is more a reality venue, in my opinion.
PS I still hold silver will some day be the metal which will surprise the general population.
The retail investor are BROKE and has already had history of junior minesr being miners of shareholders.. with...gut wrenching results...
Silver is not going to follow will explode when it is no longer my opinion..