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Perpetua Resources Corp T.PPTA

Alternate Symbol(s):  PPTA

Perpetua Resources Corp. is a development-stage company. The Company operates through mineral exploration in the United States segment. It is primarily engaged in acquiring mining properties with the intention of exploring, evaluating, and placing them into production if warranted. The Company’s principal business is the exploration and, if warranted and subject to receipt of required permitting, redevelopment, restoration and operation of the Stibnite Gold Project in Idaho, the United States. Its Stibnite Gold Project is located in central Idaho, the United States, which lies over 100 miles northeast of Boise, Idaho, over 38 miles east of McCall, Idaho, and approximately 10 miles east of Yellow Pine, Idaho. Its mineral Stibnite Gold Project contains gold, silver, and antimony mineral deposits. It focuses to explore, evaluate, and potentially redevelop three of the deposits known as the Hangar Flats Deposit, West End Deposit and Yellow Pine Deposit.

TSX:PPTA - Post by User

Comment by metalhead666on Dec 03, 2024 3:40pm
Post# 36343625

RE:RE:RE:China bans antimony exports

RE:RE:RE:China bans antimony exportsYep. This is going into the fast lane. The risk to the US is far too great to not bring this into production. And you're absolutely right .....whatever you need John!  Great post! 
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