RE:Stop it with the gross profit
StairwayTo wrote: Besides gross margin %, research and development and multi billion $ addressable market,
Where is the $65M revenues that the CEO proclaimed to have conservatively on hand 4 years ago.
Realize that was not only a 6 month deal, but continuously year after year, increasing to meet the clients demand that not only wanted it, but needed it.
So 4 years ago he was recording videos telling investors that PYR would be essentially a $150,000,000 revenues and growing exponentially for the future.,
But he has been selling his owns shares, giving bonuses, collecting prepaid rent, and their revenues has been less then 5% what he was foreseeing (to say it nicely)
Yes this point of grand unfulfilled revenue promotion was mentioned in the Mariner report that Dalesio posted a link to
What we have here are claims that imply tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions, in revenue from 2014 onward, and a 2019 claim that would imply revenue in excess of $40MM through 2020.
Here’s what PYR’s revenues ACTUALLY looked like – not tens of millions, let alone hundreds of millions in revenues post 2014/2015, and less than half of the alleged $40MM backlog is represented in 2020 revenue.”
Following the link, in this article, I believe this quote comes from a 2014 press release with the link listed below, and the actual quote here
“The value of the metal extraction alone is more than double the current disposal costs", said P. Peter Pascali , President and Chief Executive Officer of PyroGenesis. "These results far exceeded our expectations. Once this process is fully commercialized, potential revenues are in the hundreds of millions of dollars." PyroGenesis has submitted the final report to the Client and is currently in final negotiations to demonstrate the technology at the pilot scale. It is expected that the pilot plant would be completed by Q3-2015, with full commercialization commencing shortly thereafter.”