In light of the PEA abandonmentAll that keeps the TUD sp from out and out implosion is cheerleader hype and clapping seal applause.
If you happen to be holding TUD shares whereby millions of low grade ounces of gold with a few tiny semi high grade pockets that aren't deemed economically viable to mine and won't be until the Geo CEO "STUMBLES" upon enough economically viable high grade to create a mine, and where this can only be classified as a red flags high risk venture now ... the time has surely arrived to leave it all behind.
When Tudor Gold drops below 40 cents now that the cat is out of the bag, you will see the real exodus from there.
I don't use the term stumble across lightly here.
The CEO is not one to hone in on high grade anything but one that has previously stumbled upon a high grade deposit by accident.
Revision and a geo-scientific approach is absent.
Maybe in another 10 years he may ... and spoken in his own words no less, stumble as it were - across the economically mineable high grade when the OS has ballooned to well over a billion shares, and a re-entry of 10 cents per TUD share presents itself should this perhaps ever come together.
Don't hold your breath waiting on it with hope of an outside chance though.