RE:RE:Last 100 k Left for SaleYES, BIGMOE,
Your numbers are innacurate and your statement about the end of Mellon Trust selling more shares
might also be wrong.
Toppert1's numbers and many of his statemens are also wrong and truth distording.
Don't worry about this insider selling it's for a good cause, the Cie.
We should not forget that when needed Peter is there.
P.S. Check the highlighted sections.
Pyrogenesis Private Placements / funding 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
Date Type Amount # of shares # Warrants Peter Pascali Mellon Trust 19/01/07 shares $1 301 733 2 244 367 2 244 367 $0 $0
@ $0.58 @ $0.58
19/05/28 shares $3 492 180 6 021 000 6 021 000 $2 152 143 $0
19/06/19 $0 @.58 @ $0.85 19/10/23 shares $168 000 300 000 225 000 $0 $0
@ $0.56 @ $0.75
20/03/18 Debentures $903 000 3 225 000 0 $0 $903 000
2% (converted) @ $0.28
20/11/10 shares $12 076 380 3 354 550 1 677 275 $0 $0
@ $3.60 @ $4.50
21/02/12 Warrants $2 000 000 3 448 276 0 $0 $2 000 000
exercise @ $0.58
21/04/14 Warrants $7 547 737 1 677 275 0 $0 $0
exercise @ $4.50
21/05/ Warrants $1 160 250 1 365 000 0 $1 160 250 $0
exercise @ $0.85
21/06/16 Warrants $425 000 500 000 0 $425 000 $0
exercise @ $0.85
22/10/19 shares $1 318 980 1 014 600 1 014 600 $0 $0
@ $1.30 @ $1.75
23/03/08 shares $5 000 000 5 000 000 5 000 000 $2 500 000 $0
@ $1.00 @ $1.25
23/07/21 Debentures $3 030 000 3 030 000 3 030 000 $2 000 000 $0
10% (convertible) @ $1.00 @ $1.25
23/12/21 Convertible $1 250 000 2 541 684 625 000 $0 $1 250 000
Loan 3% @ $0.49 @ $0.41 From Mellon Trust 24/05/15 Loan 10% $1 000 000 0 0 $1 000 000 $0
From Peter
24/07/22 shares $2 804 600 3 505 750 3 505 750 $1 000 000 $160 000
@ $0.80 @ $1.20
24/09/30 Warrants $772 500 1 030 000 0 $0 $0
exercise @ $0.75 TOTAL $44 250 400 $10 237 393 $4 313 000 If there is an error, let me know.
NB :
Compiled from CIE Financials for PYR data and from SEDI for Peter et al.
Warrants for 22/10/19, 23/03/08, 23/07/21. PP, not exercised as of 2024/07/17
have been reprice @ $0.75 for non insiders.
Photis Peter Pascali will be there to provide MONEY if needed.
TOCKY8008 Toppert1 wrote: I'm sorry to correct you BIGMOE, but I fell compelled to.
Your numbers are off and distort the picture.
You posted that the trust has sold 5 millions in the last few years.
It's generally accepted that "one" is one, "a couple" is two, and "a few" is three or more.
" A few " years ago ( 3 ) the trust held 9,250,557 shares.
Today the trust holds 100,257.