RE:RE:Keep the dream aliveI think this comment is the most relevant from the last press release:
Our wedging program is scheduled to restart in early January to test the Campbell shear structure from our completed master hole GTCM24-056 below the existing workings of the Con Mine which produced 5.1 Moz of gold at an average grade of 16 g/t.."
We are so close to the shear and we need the wedges to have great results in January. The only way to get the share price up is the updated resource. Without an updated resource and better share price we will never be able to afford the $8m purchase of the mine or to start our own. I don't think the math works at all. We would need a reverse split to resize if there are problems.
January / February I hope are the start of the turnaround. I am a believer, but we need prove it to go anywhere. Personally I hope for a strong buyout if we can prove there a couple million oz under the Con. I do believe it would be targeted with 3 mill oz proven hopefully.