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Military Metals Corp C.MILI

Alternate Symbol(s):  MILIF

Military Metals Corp. is a mineral exploration company. The Company is primarily engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of mineral properties with a focus on antimony. Its projects include Manson Bay Project, West Gore Property, Trojarova antimony-gold project, the Tiennesgrund antimony-gold project, and the Medvedi tin project. The Manson Bay Project spans about 4,293 hectares (ha) and is positioned just 40 kilometers (km) northwest of Flin Flon, its historic mining center. Additionally, it lies a mere four km southwest of the Schotts Lake Copper-Zinc Deposit in Saskatchewan. The West Gore Property spans four exploration licenses covering 585 ha in Hants County, Nova Scotia, Canada. It has secured the exploration license for the Trojarova Antimony-Gold Mine near Pezinok in Western Slovakia, just 15 km north of Bratislava. The Tiennesgrund antimony-gold project covers about 13.38 square kilometers. The exploration at Bear Creek, locally known as Medvedi Potok.

CSE:MILI - Post by User

Comment by Singoa58on Dec 10, 2024 10:31am
Post# 36354593

RE:80 cents target IMO.

RE:80 cents target IMO.Based on??
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