Don’t think soYou are kind of clueless to how everything operates which has became very apparentl in your postings. Your big riddle was quite funny. If the company or insiders were actually doing what you were hinting at then they would probably be on the wrong side of the law with those actions. Classic chart lol. Nope, This is blowing in the wind and it's been ignored by investors for years. Google the corporate global headquarters and look at the financials and see what the rent is. None of this is difficult. Years ago they were a start up and certain things could be looked past but those days passed many years ago. Will they raise a million dollars? I highly doubt that in this market they will be able to raise a fraction of that. Let's first see if the company can actually deliver on those long awaited samples we have all heard so much about. For the record I'm not a basher of this company. I'm a shareholder for years back. I just use logic and common sense when discussing g this company now. Hopeium is for clowns like Sam, LGRN and others.