NicaraguaObviously paid CXB employees in Nicaragua are better off than unemployed Nicaraguans. No one wishes Nicaraguans to lose their livelihood. We all wish them the best. The facts remain: the Ortega regime is an unacceptable police state that has a very bad record in human rights and it will not last much longer. Small police states rely on the support of bigger ones ( as well as grants and loans from Liberal West- that has dried up). China has so far been generous with Nicaragua, but this may not last. Look at Cuba. For many years, Russia propped up Cuba. Not so much these days. China has tried to help Cuba more recently, but I have read that they are exasperated by the inability of Cubans to adapt their ideology to the modern world. So, lights out, literally. How is that working out for Sherritt share holders? For now, China remains a supporter of Ortega, but that could change very fast (look at Russian support of Assad in Syria-it all fell apart over a couple weeks). What does China want? Gold? I hear they are interested, so maybe transfer CXB assets to China? What would stop that? The law? What law? Finally, how does USA feel about China gaining a foothold in Central America? What will DJT do after Jan 20th? Is CXB worth the risk? Look at CXB vs OLA. CXB chart would look like OLAs if it didn't have such enormous political risk. As I have said before, CXB has awesome management, with great execution and assets. They get mostly good news releases. Why hasn't share price been stellar?