Success!The target of .05 has been met for the third time after a full-on month effort from .035 on Nov. 11. They of course knew of the PP long before we did on Dec. 5.
My congratulations to all the brokers and MM's who participated to bring .05 to fruition. This event gives me great confidence to buy into this PP because I know that THIS time, the support will remain. I just have that Chrismassy good luck feeling about this one. 23rd time's a charm and all that. The Venture RULES!!!
Happy Holidays to everyone! Sorry, it was impossible for me to w rap this gift of sarcasm.
"Oomfa oomfa yeah alright, the target of oh-5 has been meh yeah, and for de tird time affer a..."
Nah, I can't w rap worth shirt. Wastes paper anyway.