RE:ASC Complaint/RequestThis deal is realy all about stealing the money from shareholders. It is all about them keeping their jobs, paycheques and bonuses using shareholders money and on shareholders expense. .
Iliveinavan wrote: FYI...I contacted the ASC and asked them to have a closer look at this...not certain anything will come of it. Here is a copy of the response.
Hello Ken,
The Alberta Securities Commission (ASC) acknowledges receipt of your submission relating to Gear Energy Ltd.
Our complaints review process is as follows:
ASC staff will review your concerns to determine if they relate to issues within our jurisdiction and whether they point to possible breaches of Alberta securities laws. If they do, we may conduct further investigation, discuss the issue with the business involved and if appropriate, apply to have administrative or other sanctions ordered against wrongdoers. If our review indicates that the matter is not one that the ASC can address, we may refer the issue to another organization or even take no action and close our file. Please note that not all complaints result in an investigation or public sanction.
If the ASC requires additional information, staff may contact you. However, it is important to note that you may hear nothing further and even if we do contact you for more information, we cannot discuss any details of our investigations with you. Under Section 45 of the Alberta Securities Act, ASC complaints and investigations are confidential until brought to the point of a hearing or enforcement action. The ASC cannot recover lost funds; we recommend seeking legal counsel in this regard.
If you wish to provide further information in respect of this complaint, please forward it to,
| Carlos Colsa Martinez Investigator, Assessment Alberta Securities Commission Suite 600, 250-5th Street SW, Calgary, AB, T2P 0R4 Phone: 403.355.3875 Fax: 403.297.6156 Email: |