Hold Periods evaporate starting end of January So, For new investors ... watch closely to consider positioning ahead of counterbalance news.
Will it be positive revenue development.?
Inked foreward contracts?
Additional Patent infringers brought to The Altar ?
First AI overlays entering Beta Testing persuant to market deployment ?
Who really knows ? Not this Texas bumpkin. I am reading tea leaves.
Lips are sealed as SP temporarily slides over Holidays . This is when you plot, study, consider risk/gain potential. The chart is once again complete slop. A hunch is not enough. You must go to IimagineAR.com , and click on patents, crack open some Holiday Cheer-and read, take notes, ask friendly techies questions and blog a little. ( or in Canada, I guess you can roll one up... here in Texas that stuff will still get you more time than murder )
Best Buy in a Penny stock ? Coming to a flickering screen near you !
Merry Christmas and best wishes all.