Just letting you know it's hades; not hates.
As I said, I challenge you to try to even remotely place a dent in that which I have stated. You can't.
You "hope" does absolutely noting to change the currentpicture here for NGC; and it's certainly not a good picture at all.
Perhaps NGC management should be made by it's creditors to begin selling off all those creditors encumbered assets in order to merely try to make "Sprott" whole.
You stated "Macros are improving we just need China to further tighten their exports of Graphite and off we go!!"
Macro pricture with respect to the U.S. vs. China trade war and how that most certainly impacts the microcap picture here for NGC is likely not going to produce what you are "hoping" for here wit NGC Harley103.
If all you've got is "hope" here with NGC, you are likely Shi and to the t out of luck or "SOL"