Dear Santa, The Stinkers at StinkHouse must be enjoying a little truth amidst The Pender Street lie-continuum. I was able to once again , log in and post.
Now, we are ( long-dong- dedicated-investors ) able to get a little traction and begin heading North. Those with patience and understanding will do the right thing this coming week.
Bottom feeders ... Welcome .
Former Star investors ... I guess, also.
Mushroom Gravey survivors... definitely.
Fat reefer types... In Canada only, as here in Texas , they will hang your azzz.
And for all normal, due diligence type sane investors ... look hard, study hard, invest hard. Get a hard on for ImagineAR !
So Santa, I have spoken truth to power, vanquished an evil Troll... and ,
Wished ... every valid investor a Very Merry Christmas !
Let's ditch the ashes switches , Eh ?
Your friend,