Pebble Mine and Magical Thinking?The clash of facts and claims by different parties regarding Pebble Mine can be dizzying. I’m reminded of Lewis Carroll’s
Through the Looking Glass quote “
when I use a word it means exactly what I chose it to mean - neither more or less”. Here are some examples of where the facts and various claims conflict:
- Media critical of Pebble often include photos of waters teaming with salmon giving the impression the mine will be very close to Bristol Bay and, were it to be built, the waters would soon fill with dead and dying salmon. However, Pebble is located 120 river miles from Bristol Bay on land specifically set aside for mineral resource development. No mine wastes would be discharged to surface waters and the USACE’s Environmental Impact Statement concluded there would be no measurable impact on fisheries.
- USACE concluded Pebble Mine is “contrary to the public interest”. Besides producing 60B lbs of much needed copper, it would provide roads, gas pipelines, electrical power plants, water treatment plants and other infrastructure to very poor communities. Local and state governments would receive billions in tax revenue and fees as well as thousands of high paying jobs. Alaskan native communities closest to Pebble have sued EPA for not considering how the project would benefit them.
- Some claim that no economic value has been demonstrated for Pebble. The mine’s updated 2023 preliminary economic assessment (PEA) provides specific values for measured and indicated resources. Valid criticisms of the PEA should be raised and discussed if they exist.
Jonathan Swift noted that “
You cannot reason a person out of something they were not reasoned into.”. Let’s hope that the Alaska Federal District Court will be able to sort it all out.