Nice to see Dalton congratulating Champion Iron on getting a commitment to finance the Kami project . Altius has a significant royalty should this get developed.
Lets not forget the debacle that was Alderon! Its too bad that Altius never ponied up that cash to stop Sprot from putting the whole thing into the trash can and enabling Champion to pick it up for peanuts.
The way the whole thing went down , I allways smelled a rat! Reminds me of the old days when unscrupulous management would drive down their own share prices on a promissing project and then make out like bandits on a shady takeover which would invariably enrich the management at the expense of common shareholders . But I digress!
I believe that Alderon shareholders are still entitled to some sort of payout from the bankruptcy should Kami ever be put into production. As an obviously disgruntled ex shareholder of said shares....I can only hope!!!!