O.M.G.!!!!! Check out financials!!!....LOL...LOL...LOL...LOL....UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!......$ 970,975.OO LIABILITIES with just a measly $5,935.00 cash on hand???.....LOL...LOL..
LOL...LOL...After the MILIONS and MILLIONS of dollars these C_O_KS raised with nothing to show for it, how can they be in debt????....WHERE DID THE MONEY GO????....As if that wasn't bad enough they increased the share count by OVER 210%....YES, YOU READ THAT RIGHT...OVER TWO HUNDRED AND TEN PERCENT INCREASE IN SHARE COUNT OVER 6 SHORT MONTHS!!!!!.....LOL...LOL...LOL...LOL...LOL...I LOVE IT!!!!.....Qmet to ZERO????....OH YEAH!!!