Nano One Share Price: Recap - 2024 Well 2024 comes to a close with Nano One share price recording it's worst performance in the history of the company. This is despite some good advancements in the sector and at the company level.
Nano failed to deliver on a few notable targets: Namely:
*No feedback regarding customer evaluations.
*No plant location details.
*No JV partnership details.
*No offtake contract
Long term Nano One shareholders have reason to believe 2025 might be a better year for Nano One based on progress made in 2024. But it is no surprise based on the above list that the market as a whole has punished Nano One share price to the tune of down approximately ~75% in a short 12 months period. Staggering losses for many which can be very difficult to cope with over the holiday season.
This all while investors in alternative easy picks like Navidia or Tesla or even S&P500 have enjoyed fantastic returns over the course of 2024. Which makes the opportunity cost of being invested in Nano One in 2024 all the harsher.
And yet the company Nano One has made great strides in 2024. So there is hope remaining albeit difficult to reconcile with the staggering share price losses and subsequent emotional toll on long term shareholders.
2024 saw many long time bulls capitulate and give up on Nano One. Solidifying the state of depression that accompanies any such investment failure. Especially for those who were over invested in Nano One and could hardly afford the financial losses.
But for those who do remain, here's hoping for the best in 2025. In all likelihood 2025 will be more of the same and we will end 2025 much like we did 2024: not with a bang but with a whisper.
But nobody really knows. And perhaps we will all finally see some of our investment recovered in 2025.
Good luck to all the longs.