RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:What went wong?lets just call it a mumbo jumblings. U need to read thru the links... i cannot find the link where they were denied a payment or the payment was challanged.. the links has torys as a late enry pro-sey.. i think its with macdonald or province nevada. province deals w shareholders equity.. their web pages has them as specalist..
here are a couple loose links...
11/27/2024 Sara Coelho
Email Torys on addressing UST objection to fee application
0.20 2,115.00 423.00
Case 24-50566-hlb Doc 1103 Entered 12/17/24 20:45:59 Page 19 of 51
1039048-0000016 Invoice Number 6001052787
(.1), email Alix on addressing UST objection to fee application
11/27/2024 Kyle Jaksa
Correspondence with Canadian counsel regarding their
monthly fee statement.
0.20 1,260.00 252.00
11/27/2024 Fredric Sosnick
Review UST informal objections to Alix and Torys fee
applications (.5), emails with T. DeMarinis regarding same (.1).
0.60 2,285.00 1,371.00
LEGAL SERVICES 9.20 $10,937.00
Case 24-50566-hlb Doc 1103 Entered 12/17/24 20:45:59 Page 20 of 51
Case 24-50566-hlb Doc 1103
below looks like RGGS.. hourly case billing
torys came in w province and macdonald.. there is another blurb that they were denied – could hav been thorton groute.. or I simply busted a ‘spoke ! They were approved a day bak… I think tory came in under pro-se w macdonald.. if u read the involciing from around 11-27-24 w schlotnik AOS.. there were some issues – cross contaminations ? Its on a page where state of nevada has moved from the tax division and slapped the NCI for some collection or siezure.. lyons count did not move in sink or parallel.. so it not a tax arrears possible…
this is complicated… torys had an application issue.. something about available funds and not on the primary chargemasters ??
Upon entry of the order, the Court will vacate the hearing on the Interim Application
scheduled for December 16, 2024.
the item of interest is catepillar removed joinders and will lien directly reading thru the tea leaves.. thats a deep pocket 2 March into court