Just to add to all this excitement, all the STARS ARE LINING UP. A lot of the money that has been flowing into Cryptocurrencies lately is now seeking safer harbours. Goverments around the world are putting the squeeze on this rogue form of unbacked money (LIKE THE US $), gold is about to explode.The US$ is about to lose it's status as the world's reserve currency as China, Russia and India and others are preparing for a new monetary system backed by a basket of tangibles including GOLD and OIL. Gold and not the US petro$ is now being used as a measurment of currency for international trade. Geopolitical problems around the world (North Korea included), the daily devaluation of our currencies leading to anticipated hyperinflation, and including the lifting of years of PM price suppression by THE WEST...A multi-generational WORLD CLASS ASSET ... I don't even think the Hoover Dam can hold back up this kind of pressure...