my new years resolution..My years resooution , nothing at all to do with ONC.
I will remind the block heads, I did aadvse in advance :" was thinking oif buying more shares"
Then next day aftere sleeping on it, inceraesd my hare count by 30%.
Some good on anotehr site, claimed Im always postng "after I buy' so this tim , I posterd before & after.
That block is up 30%+ and probably more toomorrow when TSX opens.
For those who enjoy finding fault wih me, two important points.
1. I have no interest or need shat so ever to sell any share regardless of activity...until we get some finite news. That being some sort of business delveopment. If it is abuy-out , which is wah tI expect.Then my sell decdion is made for me.
IF it is a partial arrangment, Il have a decsion to make.I ll exoand on that at the end.
2. REgardlsss of your insults to me. ( which has 100% nothing to do with onc), just plain old adhonem attacks.Typical of those who are shorting.
And, the nuber of shares I buy is irrelivant to anything or anyone. Im only saying so to indicate my comitment. You can belive me or not, I dont care.
My logic & why I bought significanly more....about 10 days ago, I say about as Im too lazy to look up exact date.
1. They must come to a resuloution very soon, B.D wise.
2. ALL of their annoucments within last few months point to a solid clinical prgress with Pela in now Threee types, Breast , panc & recently Anal recal cancer: All as-well along side roche.
The recent NR indicates clearly and names Roche as being involved with the upcomeing CGAR enabling trial. They do not say in which capacity. Read & undersatnd , then can not publish that , without ROche"s approval.
The out of the blue Jan 11th investor confernce annoucment ( after my new shares), seems very promising.
They also have a poster presetnaion indicating eficiacy in the expanded anall cancer cohort.
Again, they wuld not be boastring about bad resutls.
Deal or no deal they are very slowly ( yes) building buy-out value.
As I ave sated & others whotake the time to be educated. A buyout price is not measured by stock price AT ALL!
The buyout is baswd on good old WIIFM,..what is in it for me. Meaning the aquring company needs to see present of future returns
form the prodct.
Then they back calcualte, risks & time etc . Come up with a prce that the future income will support.
Take some time.Instead of name calling , educate yourself. investopedia has a great segment on how to valuate an junior biotech.
As was pointed out, compnies have been bout out offering a lot less for many billions $$.
Happy 2025 all. BTW my resolution. To get helthier so I can enjoy my life.
notihng what so ever to do with ONC or any $$ at all.
Christmas has come & gone. Gifts? The best gift anyone can give is your time. It is free & pricesless at the same time.