TradeIf you look at this as a trade,, you can imagine that the tax loss selling that's happened is mostly done
So, You can see this if you look at the technicals trading maybe back up to 70 or $.80 at the most, but the fundamentals will ultimately pull this back down to around $.60, or lower...
Once those financials come out for year end and get audited, and once the AMF announces their decision, this thing could pound much lower.
So it's an interesting trade, but I don't want to get trapped , Because at the end of the day, you're buying the company, which hasn't made any profit, Profit, ever,
Then again there's enough pumpers on here that keep talking about the future, that someone might buy in, and you could sell to them...
Oh, it's a circular and wicked web that we weave!
I guess I'll just stay out, but it's tempting for the trade. Then again there's only what a few thousand dollars being traded -so it's not much money to be made
Oh my