RE:I Dont Understand.....That seems about right. Let us say the PP is close to the SP at $0.30 and you are able to sell your share at approx $ 0.26 and get the same amount of share via a PP at $0.30+ a warrant exerciable at $0.35, your real cost for the warrant is $0.04. You are able to get a warrant at 4 cents that you can exercise anytime during the next 5 years to convert the warrant to a share at $0.35. Actually it is a
GREAT idea if you are interested in increasing your portfolio of TLT stock. However, I could not convince myself to do it....... I may have self doubts on this, but I do not wish to increase my stake in TLT with the management dragging their feet for ten years and a very limted time span with the Patent expiry dates..