Where the gold pullback sentiment in January is coming from?It comes from the rising stock market correction speculation gaining traction and expectation in January to February.
In all serious market corrections, thuswise related to gold anyway ... Gold takes a hit. Gold stocks take a bigger hit. High risk gold explorers such as TUD for instance will take the biggest hits to their SP's.
If little is done to remedy the stock market rout - Gold will rally after a sure couple of weeks bloodbath.
Don't count on it for the sake of gold.
Count on emergency relief for the sake of the markets and the economy by way of a massive stimilus fix.
Bet your last dollar on QE5 to the rescue before gold can even take a breath.
There is a time lag of approximately 18 months after an emergency money infusion that will lead to a golden renaissance ... but it won't happen by any great degree before the influx of QE dollars begins to chase too few goods all over again.
Don't think so - go long and find out.