RE:RE:Treating all patients, all comers.Some folks only hear what they want to hear and see what they want to see. These people
are generally not open to seeing or hearing what does not mesh with what they believe.
I learned long ago that debating these people is pointless and tiring. Very tiring as they all
seem to have remarkable stamina. Whatever. We all have our own opinions. But to openly
bash a stock that apparently you own seems illogical at best. I've been investing for a very
long time and not once have I seen an individual shareholder bash/pump affect SP in any
meaningfl way. Never. I look forward to 2025 and what it may bring to us, as well as suffering
patients out there. Truly a possible win/win if I ever saw one. I am no expert on TLT, I am new
to TLT, but from my DD I like what I see going forward. And yes, this could be huge. Or not.
Hopefully this roll of the dice pays out for me and all other shareholders. Keep the faith.
The longs certainly have.