RE:RE:RE:RE:New Press Release - POET Completes Acquisition of Super Photonics Xiamen might it all come down to the fact that for some of these daydreamers,English is not their first language?that would certainly explain why the stockboy doesn't make any earthly sense when he posts his usual 3-4 word sentences.
then we have the Italian guy who keeps misinterpreting the message and he thinks that when he whines he shines..
lol Someone said,(and I have to agree) that the 1 million optical engines could possibly be met within 2-3 years..till then, they most likely keep selling samples as they have become real guud at that.... lmS
Gears18 wrote: Exactly "prospective orders" and the black and white NR stating "production capacity" will exceed 1 million optical engines per year ( which year again?) are 2 facts that the rose colored gasses pom pom crowd can't allow themselves to see or have anyone question their once in a lifetime moonshot gamble ration"ale".
Could it be that the "production capacity" actually relates to the soon to be available clean room space and equipment being set up in 2025 in advance of "projected orders" soon based on interest if test results are as pure as the driven snow, rather than "actuall orders" currently in the pipeline?
Always Lots of testing in the pipeline with POET. I'll give the lab rats kudos for the past 5 years of working diligently and Brass enrichening themselves feeding at the trough developing prototypes in futuristic technologies where some of it eventually may get a small, medium and "hopefully" a large slice of the ever evolving pie in the sky expectations of the handfull of Retail Devotees.
The combined production capacity of the two assembly and test operations will exceed one million optical engines per year, all dedicated to the 800G and higher speed transceivers required for AI clusters. POET intends to continue the assembly of optical engines at SPX within the cleanrooms leased from SAIC until such time as the Company decides on another location for the operation. POET also intends to change the company name to identify it as a subsidiary of POET and may eventually merge operations with its existing wholly owned foreign enterprise (" WOFE "), POET Optoelectronics Shenzhen Co. Ltd.