RE:A different takeYou can take it that way. But to me it is a scandal that the sp ever got down to 18 cents. Given trial results and the IP waiting in the wings it is ridiculous that the sp fell below 30 cents. There is a huge gap between stockholder expectations and current market evaluation. Let's hope that gap closes significantly in 2025
Oilminerdeluxe wrote: Jan 02, the share price was 18 cents. Today it is 26. That is a 44% increase in value. Which most would call a success in a year.
Now, that does not comfort frustrated souls among shareholders. But 44%? Come on, that's good. I know, we want it to be 444% and even more. But if good news actually arrive, i think we will have several X Dec 2025. One can at least hope The FDA has decided a date for the Pre-Btd talk. Maybe they will stall us even further, but hopefully not. If they approve BTD in the end and partners arrive, I don't think Roger will be seen in a bad light. Wait with the keelhauling until BTD and partners are not given. Dr. Libiati needs to do her work too. Anyway, a 44% increase in value is better than most. A slight comnfort. Fingers crossed, we get what we want in forms of approvals, new studies and enhanced value this upcoming year. With that: Happy New Year to all.