What I think as an old stock holder, an OpinionGood Afternoon ..wishing all Old stock holders well..time to realize..who actually makes money on minor mining stocks..It was never me please smile and realize the difference between truth and reality.
I once believed..then became very aware .. People actually have the power to pump and dump..to those people like me..and it was all legal in this system..caveat i still maintain silver is the best commodity..to hold.
What will 2025 bring to all readers here , in my opinion.
I think we are all about to find answers to “mystifying” occurrences which have changed our lives over the last decades.
The list is long and frankly amazing. It is going to be a great shock to many and complete destruction to others.
Woke Socialism
Everyone is equal but some are far more equal than others..The chosen ones ...Chosen by who?
The whole central banking system
Elected Governments which never really represented the people but were presented to the people by global special interest groups for their endgame of global dominance to be selected and elected in the illusion of honest governments. LOL
Politicians which were never represened their constituents needs and wishes but factually working for their Party.... The constant lies and changed once elected. The illusion of two party balance. This is different from the above statement
Money and what real money was and is. Money is power...he who controls the money supply ultimately controls the government and by extension the people.
Who was running America and Canada these last few years and it was not Joe Biden and Pierre Trudeau..what a mess..
The real background to recent conflicts and wars...same story for centuries
The complete loss of investigating journalism...That story in itself is overwhelming and has had tremendous influences to public opinion and hence extension of their special interests and their plans of global dominance.
I could continue but we need time to allow this all to become reality....In my opinion, we all will not have to wait long..
Regarding ABI...time too will expose the truth...can this company really become profitable under its present circumstances of stock dilution, future royalties payments, constant expenditures...over head..the list is long....possible Quebec separation from Canada...what a story!
Lotten..you never shared my question about your gender ..always be proud of who you are.