RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Revenue You know about historical moments .
However am not here to have constant reminders of the past .
When ever someone does talk about current affairs you bleat on about the past .
What's that got to do with anything else that is currently happening. Nothing what so ever so why waste your own time and try to stop others having them conversations about current affairs?
Over the years I've met countless others like your self. I once came across a guy who had won 1 m and lost most of it on a penny stock. He sold the lows and lost a fortune. Every time the share went up it gave him great discomfort, constant negative posting . Even in the middle of the night . He never got anywhere but it did him great harm . I see the same traits in your . Spent ten years of his life constantly checking in , writing nonsense.
Time is a very precious commodity don't waste it on something you have no control over.
I wish you well SW