On the other handYes, congrats on the cash raise. Separating rubes from their money remains a solid business strategy on the .V.
It's quite amazing at the moment yfi misses another delivery date they are able to raise cash. Sure it's a pittance but geez people maybe open your eyes. It's no secret why they didn't deliver again. They finished the quarter ending October 31 with exactly $0 in the bank. So the last three months of the year they had no cash to operate. There was zero chance anything was getting shipped. I'm sure the baggies can rationalize this happening again but c'mon there's just a bit of a pattern here. They also managed to add another $190K to a counts payable and now even owe their bank $1,300. Probably overdraft fees. LoL.
Which brings me to the point. What makes this new money think this time it's different. How many times do they see yfi hype something up and then fail to deliver before they maybe open their eyes. It's been 14 years of the same story. Another Fiterator. Enrolling in another vendor program. If you think this time for sure I hope you aren't suseptible to being disappointed.