RE:RE:REVERSAL NOW CEMENTED !!I wish I knew Hopeful, but none of us do know exactly what's coming over the next year !! The world is in political quagmire that is only getting worse with debt ceilings being breached and wars and rumour of wars. The US has always wanted to keep Gold down to keep the almighty dollar Up.. Will Trump succeed in this game which when the East is buying up every pull on Gold and trying hard to establish the Brics not to mention the world actually running short of production? or do shorts finally get the what they deserve and we see a market that reflects fare value and Gold pops up huge along with the other major metals?? It appears that may happen.. I suspect Gold visits no less than $3400 in 2025 and if that $3500 pivot goes then we have a whole new paradigm shift on Gold. Is that good or bad? Not great actually because it's a glaring statement for where things are haded. Should that happen one has to think the commodities eventually have to get some luv.. All I know on FVL, is when you can mine ounces for $4 and the value is north of a $100, it's likely just a matter of time and a buyer comes along. So I balance my accounts out with TFSA longs on both TUD and FVL and wait it out for the end game hoping one pays dividends .. As you know, the stocks I like I split between long and focus on trade accounts. When the .85 pivot goes with conviction support gets cemented and after an established new higher low on the pullback .88-96 is back in the cards, and so on. Likely that takes a little time to establish, or shall we say that's preferrable to build support at higher lows before the 90's but coming off 63 support stocks often do a 50% run getting you up to that .95-6 R ... wish us well / am I hearing noise from some whiny kid in his momas basement that is offended he isn't in the limelight?? I think so / may be time for the Ignore button soon ..