RE:Or maybe focus on former directors!Angland wrote: Civil Lawsuit Against Peter H. Smith
On May 14, 2021, Fancamp filed a civil claim in the British Columbia Supreme Court seeking over $3,000,000 in damages from Mr. Smith on behalf of our shareholders.
(From notes to recent financial statements)
Good example of people with giant inflated egos wasting shareholders money in a desperate attempt to justify their actions. A classic deny, deflect, dPivot maneuver except it fooled nobody. Who was it even supposed to fool? Yourselves? So how much did you guys spend on that ego stroking exercise anyway? And what, pray tell, do you have to show shareholders that you got for spending all that money? Wow, $3 million in damages, you must have won millions more than you spent on legal fees right? Bahahaha!! Now how about you shine the light on the champion transactions? That value destruction was far greater than $3 million wasn't it?