So this is what I know...
I have a friend that used to work in in the field looking for gold and other minerals. He knows about Chuck being the rock star geologist. He does think he is a smart guy that knows his stuff.
He has been looking at CD and the drill results and he pointed out there are some things that make this Zinc Silver Lead find truly outstanding.
From the news release..
"Cantex is pleased to have made a significant extension to the Main zone mineralization. The zone has now been drill confirmed over a strike length of 2.6 kilometres and to a depth of over 700 metres. The mineralization remains open along strike and to depth. "
That means that this mineral find is bigger than the 2.6km how big? Well if they just found the middle and this goes on in the other direction could be over 5km and MUCH deeper. that's big tonnage. Which is why Chuck was saying it's one of the largest finds in NA in the video.
If you look at big red dog mine that's closing in 2030 they will need more ore. This one is not going to be open pit and won't have tailings pod. It's just raw ore to be shipped out.
The bigger the find the more money in the ground. The bigger the find the more likely a deal does get done. It will take a major to drill deeper holes and try to find where this thing ends.
As for the 600k raised. I am sure most of that is for lab costs. But then again they might use some of that to explore more holes at the Copper they found away from the main zone which does look interesting.
Everyone asking about a road etc. But they have said a few things about this that a deal won't get done if there is no mine. There is no mine if there is no road. So chicken and egg. But I am sure they have no issues getting a road deal done as they where making suggestions on where the road should also branch out to in the area. CD has been very had a good reputation in the Yukon. Shutting down drilling when other companies didn't. When they make a deal with a Major a road deal will follow.
The company does very little marketing which of course hurts the share price. There are people that short the stock which also doesn't help the price as well. But a JV deal and they gonna get wiped out. Chuck looking to get paid and won't be lowballed. But he did say by this time at the last agm they want to be talking about if they going to take the JV deal. <part of me thinks he mixed up the MTX potienal deal (70/30) with CD> AGM is coming up they had some in late Jan/Feb. There are more results pending and I am sure they going to come out with something come AGM time as Chuck likes to pop out some news then.
So will there be a deal by the AGM? I don't think so... as this is still open on both ends and another year of drilling might be in the cards. They could make one... But it's hard to sell when you don't really know the full extent of what you have. A JV to drill more and deeper could be in the cards for another company with deeper pockets.
My friend really likes the drill results and thinks it's a mine but he said there is much more work to be done. Germanium mineralization is a nice value add since prices are up and they do have some nice results.
Keep in mind I know there are bashers here shorting the stock. Shorts are up in Nov then started covering in Dec. (*maybe they worried about my big buy order in Jan LOL)
The CD years ago was .60 cents. What have they done? extended it by 2.0km to 2.6km. Found rare earth Germanium. The find has only gotten better. But the price is low cause of the shorters and no getting the word out.
But this is starting to change. The video they put out was great. I wish they did that years ago. The mining sector is hard to invest in. So many want those big gains you get in tech secotor right now. So investment $'s not looking at a penny mining stock. But Penny mining stocks have had huge gains when it becomes a mine.
What they have is a mine. Can you wait another 1-2 years for the pay day? We will have a much better idea about the time line of a deal at the AGM. a month away. Load up while you can cause a deal can drop any day now. When it does I don't want to be on the side lines.