Comparing BCE debt to Morgan Stanley and othersI do understand comparing apples to oranges may not be fair but they come from the fruit family. Morgan Stanley debt was 263.73B 10.78% increase from 2022 of 238.058B and a 2.12% increase from 2021 from 2021 debt of 233.127B increase of 7.37% from 2020 etc, etc, ete.
Morgan Stanley being a strong company -Yes they are and they’re in the know; chit chat at the local restaurants and school buddies, etc to get good results -when sued…
Play by the rules – only until you get Caught
-March 14, 2024 J.P. Morgan pays 250million (Office of the Comptroller of Currency (OCC) fine…
-March 21, 2024 J.P Morgan fined nearly 350million for deficiencies in its trade surveillance date capature procedures…
-May 2, 2024 J.P Morgan to pay 100million to an unnamed regulator to settle alleged trade surveillance failures…
-May 24, 2024 J.P. Morgan to pay 100million for CFTC trade reporting violations…
-Oct 31, 2024 J.P. Morgan affiliates pay 151million in combined civil penalties…
-March 29, 2016 Morgan Stanley pays 3.2 Billion Fine for mortgage ban securities settlement (I bet this was like us taking change from our sock drawer) or maybe they had to RAISE DEBT to finance this -I did not bother looking this up…
-Sept 8, 2014 Morgan Stanley pays 95 million to settle Law Suit in run up to 2008 Financial Crisis (still a slap on the wrist)….
-Dec 19, 2007 Mortan Stanley pays 5 Billion for Sub Prime mortgage crisis -and they go to China
Investment Corp for 9.9% convertible to shares -guess China is the place to go!
I could be here all day long noting that investment houses who try to influence (with their not so honest opinions) -What are the convicts running the prison’s? It is the cost of doing business knowing that they made a TON of $$$ paying sock drawer fines: It’s called the “COST of doing business, just like criminals who get released on Release Orders or Undertakings and continue to do what they do best -at working the system with Judges -the accountable ones continue this lovely cycle of continuing. Yes I am rather aware that there are all private sector investment/brokage houses -Good apples in these organizations.
BCE debt 42.85B as of Sept 2024
RCI debt 48.95B
Telus debt 26.4B
Verizon debt at 250.02B as of Sept 2024
So, BCE debt is not a big deal -they will deal with it and figure it out - taking risk to growing into the US market and making USA dollars: HOW is this not a good IDEA. Fabricated doubts caused BCE to be on sale now, I’ve bought and will hold and collect knowing that I also invested in a Growth Company. Too band BlackBerry didn’t.
Wrapping up and tying in BCE debt -it’s something they are dealing with and with Ziply revenue at 444.5M USA DOLLARS with MLS sale (investing the PROFITS) to make money work and also grow.
So be critical when you read analyst reports from brokerage houses – we are all analyst, but not influenced by being paid by a brokerage firm.
I love what happened with Gamestop truly a slap in the face to those who bank money driving companies into the ground in holding them to account.
As Cramer from Mad Money -he was the one who openly said BIG MONEY drives stock price -so yes YIELD also -that’s why you hear on this likely other boards -Yield is too HI -bla, blab la cut the divy bla, bla, bla. I guess if I was a shorter stirring up FEAR that’s what I’d say -BUT I AM NOT and not buying what the shorters are SELLING.
BCE is on sale -I’d rather listen to BCE and those who have big SKIN in the game and be critical with investment decisions
-RBC 50.28 Million
-Bank of Montreal 34.11 Million
Don’t make investment decisions off the board – be a critical thinker and you should do ok.
Time to watch some Football.