RE:RE:2025! The guys running the show all have real jobs other than focusing on Beckett's. Essentially it's a part-time job for all of them. Non of their livelihoods depends on the success of TNY that's for sure.
what I found interesting in reading the BLH debt settlement in the recent fins is that the "majority ownership" option is still on the table. The only part of the MSA signed in 2022 that's still on the table. maybe that's why BLH still hasn't paid us the 42k they owe us in the AR section. Lol. Very interesting to say the least.
anyhow I do think with Larry running the marketing, we've spent 200k on sales and marketing through sept 30th per fins, and Shreyas and Paul running the operations and Tony with his business acumen I think we'll be fine. not sure what Ted and David's relevance is now, and Manny needs to go for 180k. It's a part time position at best.
it's sad because these Instagram posts are decent and no one knows we even exist to follow us aside from TWM customers and investors desperate for anything. such a waste of 200k. But it's a start I suppose. if we don't announce a big distribution deal in Q1 then I believe we'll be going private and all these years will be wasted. Time will tell
still curious as to why we have 245 million shares reserved for issuance can't wait to see what that's for.