RE:end of dayEveryone wants the AMK deal to happen! 43 cents/share and then a run in TUD and TUO. BUT EVERYONE wanting it to happen does NOT change the FACT that Cunninghsham does NOT have $210 millioin....................sure, theyll keep saying give me another week, another month, another year...............but its time to pull the plug on these pink sheet affiliated rumpers.
As for Eric Sprott? He relied on AMK board to vote his shares in favor. WHy whouldnt he vote for 43/cents a share for somethin that was tradin at 10 cents when its illiquid and he owns 60 million+ shares!!!!!!!!!!! We dont know what Eric is thinkin now, but hes got to be very upset with Blaney and co if I had to guess. Probably with cunninhsam to but hes supported AMK for the past 5 or 6 years....................and it looks to me like they used him and hung him out to dry????
Ork wrote: 3 obvious players dont want this deal done, dont ask figure it out -OVER 90% shareowners want it done, SIMPLE -tug of war back & forth, waiting for news & Guffman lol see y'all at de end