RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:The Why Team
Nice to see some of the wise commenting on the why's that drove their original decision to buy LME stock.
Keep them coming oh wise ones...
As mentioned in my post calling for why comments to be posted I said I would post my own why's so here goes..
Much of my decision mirrors Fatlas in the context of the list of facts that LME had going for them at the time of my first investment in January of 2020.
FYI The stock was trading around .20 cents at that time amd there was no rumor of a buy out on the horizon.
When I look back on that time the item that I thought would be most impactful on LME and the entire mining industry was the rapid development of computing tools to more accuratley model and predict ore bodies for drill targeting.
I dove into the subject and became a follower of Jean Phillipe Paiment and the team at MIRA geoscience ( he is now director of AI and Targeting at VRIFY.)
I read as many technical papers as I could find, watched Paiment and his cohort give online how to sessions for geologists on linkedin as they were teaching geologists to learn how to use modern computing tools to present geological data and apply ai to make ore body predictions for investors.
Like watching beige paint dry at times but these online training sessions were well attended and had a deep focus on how to present a fact based business case to mining investors.
When I finally realized what they were doing the light bulb really turned on for me as I asked myself;
"Why would successful geologists from across the globe be attending these particular types of webinars if there was not a compelling business reason for them to take the time to learn how to use these modern computing tools?"
I then became convinced that modern computing tools were being deployed to materially reduce investment risk in mining and that capital for acquisitions was beginning to rely on a combination of computing models and drill results to make investment cases across the junior miming space.
I am not sure if I will ever find out the details of how much reliance capital placed on computing software programs when they complete a junior transaction - maybe it will be a line or two in the MD&A document.
That research process took me about 8 months before I came comfortable with what was happening in rhe space.
Since then, most of the ups and downs of the LME ride have been annoying external noise that does not drown out the business facts nor does it reduce my belief that modern geologists who are also computer scientists are winning the day in boardrooms across the globe.
Like Fatlas, I hope that the commercial incentives in the relationship between USCG and LME will
prove to be a winning formula and that the geologists around the buying and selling table all agree on the merits of the LME models. After that it's up to billionaires to bet that their geologists / computer scientists are right and that they want to buy a very valuable asset a below market price.
I remain long and open to feedback as we wait.
Time and Money