RE:RE:RE:RE:Wow what a Buyback in Decfinance is secondary to running business as to the mechanics. Its very difficult to sell out your product at end of year and have clean slate to start next. Then to replace product knowning what will sell over the year. I like the play they started with UK, that be interesting to see if that gets any tracktion and sounds like they going at it lite so can back out if no cash there. I was talking about Synergies, about a month or two after Reit got new CEO a young woman called me about an assit ive had since 94 with idea to create cash flow, before Id probably never listen but thanks to what was going on at REiT i paid attention, this assit never made cash flow but for sure increased in value so with this idea and minimal work to make what was require, this from day one started to pull in $800 to $1200/week it was just like wow and thats the thing about bussiness just the simplist thing can make huge differences to positive,. I think its very important to hit the target numbers when you start a new year so get if possible what you did last year by Aug/Sept and try to add at least 30% of the last year, but very difficult to do but once it starts just keep it going and then try to ad growth cause you try something and can back out and not effect your numbers and try another. CASH crop farming is similar and how you sell crop open market or contract. IMO