Attawapiskat First Nation press release ...
Attawapiskat First Nation Denounces Metalex Ventures
ATTAWAPISKAT, Canada, February 15 /PRNewswire/ -- Attawapiskat First Nation is alerting shareholders and potential investors in Metalex Ventures (MTX), of Kelowna, B.C. that the work the Company is undertaking in Attawapiskat First Nation territory is being done without the involvement or agreement of the First Nation.
Metalex Ventures has continued exploration work throughout 2006 and 2007 without the support of Attawapiskat First Nation. On December 13, 2006 Metalex Ventures reported a kimberlite find in their T1 project. Attawapiskat First Nation has no intention of supporting the project as long as it continues to show disrespect for First Nation Rights.
Chief Mike Carpenter commented, "Our First Nation has demonstrated in the Victor Diamond Project that where our interests are accommodated, we are supportive partners. Where we are ignored as Metalex Ventures is doing, we will not go away quietly. These are our traditional lands and investors should be very cautious knowing that the First Nations interests have not been accommodated in this project."
Attawapiskat continues to work cooperatively with De Beers Canada and other exploration companies who have reached agreement with the First Nation.